Josh recently had to have a little blood drawn (no big deal - he's fine!). Our pediatrician's office is great - they put numbing cream on his elbow so it wouldn't hurt so bad. When they took the blood he only cried for a minute and was fine as soon as they were done and put the band-aid over it. On the way home he became extremely annoyed with the band-aid because it prevented him from bending his arm. So after we got home we took the band-aid off. He was left with a tiny little red spot on his elbow. Apparently, this tiny red spot, which didn't hurt anymore, was too much for him. Every time he saw it he started sobbing hysterically. He would try to pull his sleeve over it to hide it, but it wouldn't stay down. So, I put my hand over it and he was completely fine. After holding my hand over it for several minutes I tried to remove my hand and once again he started sobbing. Again with the hand - he was fine. After another 10 minutes of that I tried to move my hand and again he started sobbing. So, since he was annoyed by the band-aid and I obviously couldn't sit there with my hand on his arm for the whole day, I got out my concealer, put a little dab of it on the red spot and voila! he was completely fine!!
A couple of nights ago Jordan woke up crying just before 11:00. Justin and I were getting ready for bed and both went in to see what the problem was. He had had a bad dream - terrible enough that he had wet the bed. As I was getting him cleaned up I tried to get him to tell me about his dream. All he would tell me was that there was a dragon. When I asked him to tell me what happened with the dragon, all he would tell me is that he didn't want to tell me the rest because then I would have the same bad dream. Then he just let me give him a big hug and went back to bed. Isn't he just the sweetest thing? So concerned about me, even when he is clearly terrified! Moments like that make me love being a mom!